Monday, March 14, 2005

word therapy

Just wanted to signal the good mood, nothing else. I feel good these days, not moody or anything, just me, calm and relaxed. I don't feel excited or enthousiastic, but this is nothing but an "extra option" of the "deluxe version" of my life. I think that this will come in time anyway.
But there are other things I'm thinking about, I really need to be more active about myself. Somebody told me once that all I really need is to find myself another job and to write. Well, as far as the writing is concerned...I'm doing it from time to time, not really satisfied with it, but doing is improving. The job....or anything connected to my carrier, it's like I'm stuck here, and though I see I'm going deeper every day, I do nothing, I just sit and wait for the perfect job to just pump up and come knocking on my door.
I can't imagine what would make me move already, maybe a very nasty athmosphere for a longer period of time, I guess.
I realized that I had begun writing for fun, but now this became a "safety valve" to me, it helps releasing the pressure in my head, clarifying my thoughts, depressurising me entirely. Now that I think about it, it's always been like this, since the 6th grade when I began writing a diary :))). Writing as a therapy, words instead of pills...killing the "mental viruses" by saying/pronouncing/expressing them.

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