Saturday, September 29, 2007

something, nothing, anything

Crazy week. Very passionate for those who love animals:). Quite tormented for our IT specialists, poor guys... quite a tormented week for myself as well. This week our website celebrated its 1st year anniversary. I was in the news again:))), much better this time, I seemed more relaxed. Then, in the evening, we all went out to celebrate and after 2 beers I was already drunk and fell asleep (my colleagues have pictures to prove this but I don't think I wanna publish them). Dizzy as I was, I left home since the next morning I had to attend a communication summit. Interesting sayings, but... there was one guy who needed technical support at every slide of his pps coz he, the communication specialist, wasn't able to be technically coherent! I mean, c'moooon, Charlie, how stupid of you was that???
Well, but more about this event you'll find here (in Romanian) and here.
I promised I'll return with some other pictures from my beautiful voyage to the wild wild west and here they are:). These ones are wedding-related.

Sunday, September 23, 2007


I had an unforgettable week. Not only that I had like 4 flights in one week, which is a lot since I never took the plane before, but I got to visit 3 European capital cities, I ate things I never tried before (like lobster or moules) and finally came back with a good French accent I lost these past years and maybe with a better understanding of my work. These pictures are from Luxembourg, Paris and Prague (the second). I think I'll always remember this crazy, busy, wonderfully tormenting week. And I realized that going away relaxed me more than seaside or anything else here. It seemed I was gone forever when I came back.
Some other pictures.. on a later post. Now I have to get into Bucharest mode. Processing.... Operation failed. Try again.

Monday, September 10, 2007


What you are about to experience is an exclusive material:). For Romanian speakers, enjoy its fine irony!

Sunday, September 09, 2007

back to English

Quite busy days, these days. After a sales event that ended up in a pub and gave me a full headache the next day, I spent my Saturday looking for clothes. Yes, you heard me, I went to the mall and researched every damn fashion store there, looking for the perfect outfit to honor my friend's wedding next week. I'll be cute:). Hope I won't be freezing though. So next Friday I'll be on my way to this great city I once visited for 3 hours or so. That remembered me I haven't been out of the country for a long long time (I take the trip to Bulgaria out of the question), that I never took the plane to anywhere in this world (yes, it will be my first time in a plane, I know it's 2007...) and, especially, how much I missed traveling. There was a time when going abroad was something natural and understood.
So you'll understand me if the next post won't be very clear (packing and organizing everything might take all of my attention) or if it will be ... next month maybe:)).
But I'll be back, don't worry!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

in Romanian today

Incerc sa scriu in romana la cererea publicului. Da, mai, am si eu asa ceva si nu mai radeti acolo ca va aud! Boooon, hai ca prima fraza mi-a iesit:). Sa vedem restul... Scriu in engleza pentru ca atunci cand mi-am facut eu blog, voiam sa ma citeasca TOATA lumea, nu doar putinii bloggeri de Romania. Intre timp, situatia s-a cam schimbat si acum vorbim de roblogosfera, de bloggerii romani, adunati si tunati, care dezbat probleme mai mult sau mai putin importante ale vietii si omenirii si asa mai departe, de genul "ce e viata? ce e omul? si noi ce bem azi?". Plus ca am observat, de cand cu colegu' Costin, ca oamenii astia parca sunt intr-un sat: "Ai vazut ce-a scris ala? Moaaaaama, da ai vazut commentu' meu? Si ce s-a mai ofticat si mi-a dat ban pe blogul lui? Si dup'aia ce-am scris eu la faza asta? Si cum m-a citat X si Y?". Ete, cam asa decurge treaba:). Evident, exagerez nitel. Sunt si bloggeri misto, oameni seriosi, o placere sa-i citesti.
La o intalnire de bloggeri, maestrul de ceremonii declara blogurile "parte a media". Ok... unele pot fi. Unele sunt deja. Dar majoritatea, nicidecum. Faptul ca bloggerii scriu despre o barfa, publica informatii mai mult sau mai putin adevarate, ca reactioneaza la diverse meschinarii nu-i face "surse" demne de luat in seama. Sau nu inca. Nu la noi. Doar ca incercam sa ne inscriem si noi in curentul asta in care pur si simplu parerea oamenilor, exprimata, articulata in blog, poate fi mai puternica decat un articol dintr-un ziar sau decat un reportaj tv. In lumea de azi, da, e posibil. Si la noi sunt tentative, insa nu au ajuns inca atat de puternice.
Pana una-alta, eu prefer sa scriu in engleza. Chiar ziceam azi: cum sa scriu, frate, in romana? Taman acu, dupa atata timp? Asta ar insemna un blog nou, mare bataie de cap:P. Si, recunosc, probabil ca nu m-as putea abtine sa nu scriu chestii la care lumea ar reactiona. Si, da Costin carpatin:P, ai dreptate, succesul ma sperie, dear. Prefer sa scriu un blog putin comentat, dar al meu, personal, pe care doar cineva care chiar tine musai sa ma cunoasca, are rabdare sa-l desluseasca. Sau pe care il citesc doar prietenii mei. Da, aia de ziceam mai ieri-alaltaieri ca nu ma suna:)). Unii dintre ei o fac totusi, asa ca nu ma mai plang.
E, voi, astia de cerurati post in romana, ya happy now?

PS: ca sa raman in ton cu postul, iaca o melodie care ma nostalgizeaza la maxim. Cred ca radacinile proletare ale educatiei mele isi spun cuvantul. Dar n-am decat audioooo!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

passion+work - does this still exist?

I couldn't help feeling, all day long, that today was someone's birthday... someone I know... I'm still thinking about it..
Do you think it's possible that "passion" and "work" stay together? In the world of today? I started wondering what passion is these days. And I questioned myself for the meaning of passion within me: am I passionate about something? Anything? Still processing that one, so far I've got nothing. I used to love horoscopes and Tarot and that kinda stuff.... I've lost even that.
Am I passionate about my work? I don't know. I am a little bit obsessed with it, I am dedicated, but I dunno if I am passionate. Is anyone passionate about their work these days? I mean.... really be into it, really love it? The kind that wakes up in the middle of the night because of one brilliant idea, or that forgets everything because his/her work is like a trip to another universe.. does this still exist?