Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Toti cei care isi doresc sa citeasca in continuare acest blog sunt rugati sa intre pe

This blog and all of its content has been moved to Go there if you want to keep on reading me.

Cette page et tout son contenu a ete transposee sur

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Iaca reclama. Sa ma enervez? Sa rad?
Via Iatzi via

Monday, December 10, 2007

Dragi oameni care intrati pe acest blog, vreau sa fac un anunt important pentru mine: de azi am propriul meu domeniu!!! Sunt megasupercalifragilistic de incantata si abia astept sa transfer tot continutul acestui blog pe noua adresa:). Evident ca prietenii mei Victor (merci de gazduire) si Costin vor innebuni din cauza mea si a sutelor de mii de intrebari gen "auzi, da aici cum fac? dau continue?", asta in conditiile in care la munca lucrurile o cam iau razna si proiectele rasar ca ciupercutzele (:P) dupa ploaie. But o sa ma descurc eu cumva eventually si atunci sa te tii:)).

Pana una alta, am gasit alta dandana si nush ce sa fac, sa rad, sa plang: cei care au cautat "anurim" pe google au gasit prima data Anurim SRL, o firma care face ..... hartie igienica! Abia al doilea rezultat este blogul meu! Bine ca hartia igienica facuta de astia nu se numeste "anurim" ca nush ce faceam:)).

In the end, iaca o melodie care-mi place zilele astea (imi placea si in varianta Sam Cooke).

Saturday, December 08, 2007

La Boquita Maldita feat. Miruna & Zoso

Dupa cum am promis acum niste zile (cam multe, dar e numai vina lui ecostin), iaca video despre cum m-am facut de ras dar si cu o sticla de Bailey's pe care eu si Boquita o s-o bem de revelion (caci acum sta cuminte la 'mneaei in biblioteca, dupa cum singura a spus). Toate video, mai putin ultimul, via eCostin, evident.

First, ladies and gentlemen, La Boquita Maldita & Miruna!

Apoi, ca sa nu ne plictisim, am cantat si singure ca doar na, deja ne facusem incalzirea. Miruna....

La Boquita aka Daniela

Eu si Zoso [eu zic ca peste asta se poate sari ca suntem total afoni]

Sau daca doriti un alt unghi de abordare pentru lalaiala de mai sus, voila

Pana la urma tot in cuplu e mai bine, asa ca eu si Daniela o sa dam lovitura probabil la un alt karaoke, deja a inceput sa ne placa:). Plus ca am gasit si melodia perfecta pentru noi.

Ah, era sa uit: merci mai eCostin:). Pentru filmare si postare.


OMG, cat de bine e in weekend! Inca nu-mi revin de bucurie ca am dormit suficient, ca am avut timp sa-mi beau cafeaua cu lapte si sa-i si simt gustul, ca am putut sa ma intind de o mie de ori inainte sa ma dau jos din pat...
Mama mea a decis ca un aparat foto ar fi cadoul perfect de ziua mea, numai ca trebuie sa ii spun eu exact ce vreau, ca ea oricum nu se pricepe:). Si ma gandesc ca e o idee foarte buna, chiar mi-as dori unul! Evident ca nu vreau cine stie ce minune de DSLR, ca nu am innebunit la cap si nici nu-s asa de smechera ca unii, vreau o "sapuniera" care sa scoata niste poze misto si care totusi sa aiba niste optiuni, ca nu-s batuta-n cap:P. So, daca aveti careva vreo recomandare, lista de comentarii arata 0 so far, feel free to fill in:).
Cand mi-am exprimat dorinta asta la munca, za robi a inceput sa faca misto de mine: "maaama, sa vezi acu' ce flashuri peste tot p-aci... O sa-si faca poze ea cu blogu, ea cu premiile, ea cu biroul":)))). Za robi, promit sa nu aduc foarte des aparatul la munca.
Ah, ma duc sa mai lenevesc putin:).

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Miruna, cardul si Hi5

Uitasem sa povestesc ce-am patit azi. De fapt totul a inceput saptamana trecuta cand mi-am dat seama ca nu mai am cardul. Adica acel card, cu toti banii pe el. Ma duc la banca si spun ca am nevoie de unul nou ca asta si asa expira curand.

Azi de dimineata ma gandesc ca ar fi bine sa ma duc sa-l iau, ca ramasesem leftera. Dar imi dau seama ca nu mai am buletinul! Eram blocata. Nu tu bani, nu tu buletin, nimic! Iau pasaportul si ma duc totusi, poate am noroc. Imi gasisera cardul intr-un ATM (damn BCR ATM, prima data dau banii, si dupa niste vreme cardul, d-aia il uit mereu, ca nu e prima data) si am putut sa-l iau cu pasaportul. Buletinul meu nu era la ei ca am intrebat. Ajung la munca. Printre hartiile de pe birou vad factura de la cadoul pentru Miri de saptamana trecuta. Si-mi pica fisa: buletinul meu e la prietenii de la digital camera! Sun la ei si le spun problema. Baiatul de acolo zice: aaaaa, da, e la noi buletinul dvs., cand am vazut ca e aici v-am cautat pe net, dar nu am gasit un numar de telefon asa ca v-am lasat un mesaj pe Hi5! :))))))). And they really did! Uite cum suna mesajul: "Nu am gasit alta modalitate de a va anunta, dar cartea d-voastra de identitate se afla la sediul firmei noastre. Va rugam sa ne contactati la unul din numerele de tlf..."

That made my day! Dar ma mir ca nu mi-au lasat totusi un comment pe blog, ca pe asta sigur l-au gasit mai repede pe google. Dar apreciez extrem inventivitatea:)), pe bune. S-a gandit omul ala ca poate poate exist pe Hi5 si iata ca n-a gresit:). Uite d-aia am eu conturi pe toate porcariile astea de social networks! Nu intru niciodata pe ele, dar nu se stie ce mai uit si pe unde si asa ma gaseste lumea:)).

Cel mai tare a fost C., mi-a zis: auzi, dar de ras nu e ca aia ti-au lasat mesaj pe Hi5, ci ca tu ai cont pe Hi5:))! La ce naiba-ti trebuie??

E, si cu ocazia asta am intrat si eu pe Hi5 sa vad care mai e treaba. Am o gramada de oameni care asteapta sa-i trec in lista de prieteni (!!!) si niste comentarii de moderat de prin august de la niste pustani care imi spun cat de rau sucks Bucurestiul. Oh, well... Hi5...


Ploua. Zici ca e 8 seara si ar trebui sa plec acasa.. Vremea asta asa ma moleseste ca abia pot sa ma concentrez la miile de chestii pe care trebuie sa le fac.
Si, colac peste pupaza (rusine, rusine!), ma trezesc ca la calculatorul de aici de la munca noul meu header nu se vede cum trebuie! In IE6 (cum cica folosesc majoritatea utilizatorilor, desi eu prefer Mozilla Firefox) patesc asta.. Sunt foarte suparata.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

in the mood for love

Pentru ne-cunoscatori: nu va bateti capul, poate ca e cam subtil. Si e si in franceza:)). Maine o sa scriu ceva mai interesant.

Le Petit Prince et Le Renard
- Qu’est-ce que signifie “apprivoiser”?

- C’est une chose trop oubliée, dit le renard. Ça signifie “créer des liens…”

- Créer des liens ?

- Bien sûr, dit le renard. Tu n’es encore pour moi qu’un petit garçon tout semblable à cent mille petits garçons. Et je n’ai pas besoin de toi. Et tu n’as pas besoin de moi non plus. Je ne suis pour toi qu’un renard semblable à cent mille renards. Mais, si tu m’apprivoises, nous aurons besoin l’un de l’autre. Tu seras pour moi unique au monde. Je serai pour toi unique au monde.. (…) Ma vie est monotone. Je chasse les poules, les hommes me chassent. Toutes les poules se ressemblent, et tous les hommes se ressemblent. Je m’ennuie donc un peu. Mais, si tu m’apprivoises, ma vie sera comme ensoleillée. Je connaîtrai un bruit de pas qui sera différent de tous les autres. Les autres pas me font rentrer sous terre. Le tien m’appellera hors du terrier, comme une musique. Et puis regarde ! Tu vois, là-bas, les champs de blé ? Je ne mange pas de pain. Le blé pour moi est inutile. Les champs de blé ne me rappellent rien. Et ça, c’est triste ! Mais tu as des cheveux couleur d’or. Alors ce sera merveilleux quand tu m’auras apprivoisé ! Le blé, qui est doré, me fera souvenir de toi. Et j’aimerai le bruit du vent dans le blé…
- Adieu, dit le renard. Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu’avec le cœur. L’essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.

- L’essentiel est invisible pour les yeux, répéta le petit prince, afin de se souvenir.

- C’est le temps que tu as perdu pour ta rose qui fait ta rose si importante.

- C’est le temps que j’ai perdu pour ma rose… fit le petit prince, afin de se souvenir.

- Les hommes ont oublié cette vérité, dit le renard. Mais tu ne dois pas l’oublier. Tu deviens responsable pour toujours de ce que tu as apprivoisé. Tu es responsable de ta rose…

- Je suis responsable de ma rose… répéta le petit prince, afin de se souvenir.

Monday, December 03, 2007

I will survive

This is the name of the song that made me and La Boquita Maldita the proud winners of a prize at the bloggers karaoke contest last night. You can see some pictures here. I hope I'll have some videos soon, as I said, cameras are around me almost every day. I also made a fool of myself singing alone, and then with Zoso, and then with a guy from work :), but it was fun.
Others have written more about this (only in Romanian), that's why I think I'll rest my case and go to sleep. I had quite a weekend:). A prize-full weekend.

PS - photos and videos in some other post.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

My ally--mcbeal skirt

I bet you've all heard the expression "an ally-mcbeal moment". I bet you all know or suppose what it means, especially if you know the character. Now Ally McBeal used to wear at some point very short skirts and as a lawyer she would have problems in court on this subject. I for one, although resembled in many occasions with this character (by guys who would generally want sexual intercourse with me, of course), resent wearing skirts, and short skirts are most of the time out of the question. But yesterday I decided I needed a change. And since I have in my closet a very short skirt, bought in a moment of lunacy I guess, I felt like wearing it.
Now, I am either very ugly in jeans, or everybody was shocked by me wearing a skirt. Either way, it was fun. Somebody told me I look like a girl from Manga cartoons:)).

Anyway, girls, it is true. Guys, no matter how intelligent they might be, fall for a pair of legs and a short skirt.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Karaoke night!

I am having a very busy week. But once the month of December starts, it's party time for me! And I start with the 1st of December, this Saturday, huge party:). Then, on Sunday, the bloggers from Bucharest organize a karaoke night out! And ya people all must know that my hidden fantasy is to sing at karaoke. This is why I even put my name on the list, downloaded the list of songs.. stuff like that. I'm taking it all very seriously, it's my one-time chance to sing in front of a bunch of drunk people, me being quite dizzy as well:). I guess I'll have some proof for that, I have people with cameras around me every day:).
After that it's Joe's birthday! After that, it's my birthday that I'll be celebrating twice this year: with friends and in Barcelona:). So... my wonderful December is about to start and I can't wait for it to begin.

P.S. - My brother's wedding will be on the 29th of June 2008. Can't believe he's getting married. (that is... my YOUNGER brother)

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Warsaw .... and my turtles

I must start with the thing that makes me sad: I'm a bad mother, I gave my turtles away!! I donated them to a guy who can't walk, he stays in bed all day long, his sister came and took them away yesterday. I came to think that these turtles were with me during the most troubled period of my life and if they could talk (and have a memory of their own), perhaps they'd have plenty to say (mostly bad things about me being a bad mother, I'm sure). I really hope, in fact, that someone would pay much more attention to them than I did lately. And that they'd be OK.

Warsaw was... strange. Perhaps because the only time I got to visit a part of the old town was by night. It was very cold and foggy, seemed like Twilight Zone a bit. But I looooved the food (if you ever go there, have lunch or dinner at Kompania Piwna!) and the fact that a "large beer" is large indeed, that is 1 L. Of course, Joe and I (Joe is a girl from my office I traveled with) were both very much attracted to the H&M shop in the local mall. Oh, and I almost forgot the Hard Rock Cafe, first time I've ever been into one of those, quite nice, very good food, I even got to see the beginning of a concert of Afromental (these are some Polish guys singing something between reggae, rock and hip-hop as I understood from a cute waiter... Polish MTV as he said).

This weekend I was @work, just as my messenger status announced everybody in my list. I guess everything compensates in this world, hmmm?

Sunday, November 18, 2007

A.G. Weinberger, Aura and Warsaw

I'm leaving for Warsaw tomorrow. I've never been there before and, although I'm attending a conference, I hope I'll have some time to take a tour. And, of course, I might be coming back with lots of good ideas for work.
Tonight I've been to a blues&jazz concert. A.G. Weinberger and Miss Aura were great, although the show began a bit awkward, with some aerobic guys doing stuff on stage. A.G was great and Aura has a great voice:). Here's a sample below (it's not from the concert, unfortunately, but I hope I'll find some examples when I get back). And I'm going to sleep, it's quite late and tomorrow there'll be a pretty difficult day.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I found it!

Remember I said I would take care of the forgotten "M needs a home" campaign? Well, I did. And guess what I found last week on one of those real-estate websites:

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOl. That was a good laugh first time I saw these pictures. U wanna know how much was this dump? 70 000 euro for 29 sq meters. It is in the center of Bucharest, indeed, but anyway....

Sunday, November 11, 2007

love story

I admit I am sometimes a sucker for good romance movies. I don't say it very often, maybe because I really don't wanna sound too girlish or anything. But there are nights, like this one, when I come out and say it. Or maybe it's just my constant need for affection that allows me to be impressed by a good love story. Hate it when it's sad though. But they say the sad ones are better.
I must have inherited this taste for good love stories from my grandma. You might not believe me, but she was the only 70 years old woman from that village with a subscription to the local library. And constantly asking the librarian for love novels. She would devour book after book especially during winter nights. And she had a special concern on my emotional future. Coz we were born under the same sign, therefore she feared we might have the same destiny. Although it might not look like that, there are some weird similarities in our taste for men. I guess the "bad boy" cliche fits, or maybe the "hard-to-get" type.
Oh well, I blame it on the sleeping satellite.. Night night!

Friday, November 09, 2007

manu chao - Me llaman calle

This is a song from the latest Manu Chao album. I love it. Maybe because Manu Chao is intrinsecally connected to the best years of my past. Manu Chao works like the Proust's madeleine for me.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

my lows

Quite a crappy day today. I was incapable of thinking clear, of doing things, I felt like tied up. I would just stand in front of the computer trying to become coherent and categoric and decisive just as everyone around me expected me to be. Just that I wasn't. I couldn't. Then I got angry on my boss for not understanding this delicate situation. But he was right. I was @work. I was supposed to work at least in the low parameters.
But I kept thinking that this week I left the office at 10 almost every night. I generally do more than I am asked to do because this is how I feel like. I got involved. Can't I be excused and understood for one miserable fucking day? Can't he protect me? Is it so impossible for people around me to just understand that sometimes I CAN BE LOW?! But maybe this is the image I created for myself. I always take care of everybody. I never forget tasks. I am always responsible. Even annoying if you ask some of the guys. So when I am down, they cannot cope with it. They don't understand. They just expect me to be as I usually am. So I guess I should just relax, take it easy, put a little distance between me and work.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007


If you guys were wondering what am I doing @work, well here it is. Sometimes, in the evening, when fewer people remain, we fool around in the office with paper bags on our heads. Beneath the bags it's me and Daniela, around us is Alin.

Perhaps it may sound weird, but I love it when spontaneous childish things like that happen. It makes us think we are not quite at work :). Of course, Robi the boss wasn't there to see us.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Why I love chocolate

Nice November Sunday. I feel a little bit naughty (yes, I know it's weird to say that about me, but this is how I feel). I rarely ever listen to some of my favorite tunes. Some of them are very nicely put in various commercials.
The one you're about to see is one of my favorites. I also just happen to LOOOOVE chocolate. Now you're gonna see why.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

dazed and confused.... more confused:)

I decided to go to Barcelona on my birthday. Cristina and me. Just us girls. I just hope she won't find a guy until then and leave me alone:). But hey, this might be quite an experience, right?

Well, we tried to find tickets tonight and guess what? They are kind of expensive for low cost companies (we found tickets around 490 Euros for 2 persons, I mean, c'mmmmoooon). Searching for other ways to get there, she thought of asking at the railway station if there are some ways to go to Barca by train. Well, no trains go directly from Bucharest to Barcelona or anywhere, except for Venice, Italy (of course, we Romanians are kinda romantic people) and the ticket would cost like 170 euros one way for one person!!! That was very funny, she didn't have the nerve to ask how long this journey would last, this high price was too much for her.

In the end we decided to ask some advice from our boss, the Robi, he's the smart guy around there. And only after that (please notice the respect:P) buy the tickets.
My mother was a bit speechless hearing my latest wish, maybe because she thought she won't have me here for Christmas. I, for one, decided to be selfish this year and think about MY BIRTHDAY. To me it's not a waste of time. Not yet. I like my birthday. It makes me feel special and unique (as if I wasn't already!:))). The age might get me depressed, yes, but hey, who's thinking about that in Barcelona?

I'm going to sleep now, it's late. But I can't leave without the song that inspired the title of this post, no connection (apparently only) with anything I was mumbling here these past few minutes. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Led Zeppelin!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Pink Martini and a very busy weekend

It all started on Friday evening. I went out with a colleague for tea. I ended up in a bar, then in a club where I had the "misfortune" of having two shots of tequila. Home around 4. Next morning I was woken up by the phone, I was supposed to go to Sinaia for the wedding and I was kinda late, my friend Oana called to say she was waiting for me. I arrived at the station quite on time. Of course, I was on the train more time than I was in Sinaia, but I was there:) (pictures in a later post). Then, the Concert. I rarely had the occasion to see something so beautiful as the Pink Martini concert I was at. I mean... these guys are great! And I don't know why, but in the end I felt like I went through my whole life with their songs. I remembered my trip to Italy (Una notte a Napoli), everything from my relationship with C (Sympathique, Brasil, Donde estas Yolanda...), he is after all the one to "blame" for my musical taste; and last, but not least, the present (Hang on Little Tomato). And for the first time in my life I regretted my Dad didn't have the patience to properly teach me how to play the violin.
After PM, I went to a bar then to the same club as the other night.
Today I celebrated my brother's birthday:). And his girlfriend's too.
I can't complain, I had quite a weekend which left me voiceless and a bit tired, but somehow ok with myself.

Thursday, October 25, 2007


I did it! I broke my washing machine. Don't ask me how. I know how but I guess I am too lazy to say it in English. It works, lucky me, but that compartment where I put the detergent is not right in it's place. I took it out to wash it, and I couldn't put it back.
Now, this bothered me so much that I even set my messenger status with this issue, and, of course, sooner or later my friends/colleagues started asking how did I do it, what happened, etc.
C suggested I should write a post on this matter, maybe I'll get some online help, which he also exemplified by quoting some blog of a guy switching 2 washing machines, coz one is always broken or about to be fixed. Ok... so I did it and now I expect you guys to teach me how to fix it. Coz I ain't calling nobody to fix it, it's too much trouble, really.
Tomorrow is Friday. yes, I know you know this, but I just wanted to get into the weekend mood. Now, me sleepy, it's late, night night!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

this, that (no other)

My mother says that the next will be great for me. She read this in a dime-a-dozen horoscope for 2008, knowing my hidden passion for this kind of things. Thing is everything referred to work, carrier, money. How about me? How about other things in my life? Hmmm, I guess it's getting worse, right?
But I am quite looking forward for this weekend. Saturday is a busy day. I have to travel to Sinaia for Heta's wedding. Then I come back in the evening for the Pink Martini concert. Then I believe I'm going out, that is in a club. Now that's a good day.
I believe I wouldn't have any reason to get bored. I have a pile of books on my desk, waiting for me to read them, I decided it's about time to learn how to swim and, of course, besides looking for a house (which I only say I do, but I never actually do anything about it, it's only an obsession), I might try taking up driving lessons again. This became a delicate subject in my mind, since I consider it a failure. My personal failure. And I am not at all used to failures.
So you see, I am a busy girl:). At least for a while.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Kinda of weird days, these days. I suddenly feel like I am broken inside and need time to regroup. I need time to find that inner balance that would bring me back on track. The problem is I don't really know what track is that. I guess this might be interesting, like a surprise in a box of chocolates, but still I am not anymore at the age of looking boldly at the future and see it bright. I learned deception, delusion (much of my own cause, I agree) and I guess being cautious is only the result.
They call me "granny" at the office. Sometimes I understand why. I don't look like one, but I surely act like one from time to time. And this only because my life at the office so much conquered my inner, personal life, that I find it hard not to involve emotionally. My balance, my outer life is almost gone now. And this is why I sometimes (like these days) feel I don't worth much, that I lack that spark that used to made me different (in my own subtle way, of course), I am not interesting, nor witty, nor smart or anything. I just am. I walk, I talk, I do things from the impulse of my conscience. But there is no.... enthusiasm maybe. I can't put my finger on it, but I feel something is missing, that fresh approach that makes me see things clearly and be sure of my decisions.
I never expected this to happen. I never thought that this age will bring me so many confusing days.
My computer is almost broken. I would like a laptop. I've dreamed of one for 6 years now. I have the money to buy one, but I am thinking it over and over: maybe I need the money for the house. Maybe I would go to Barcelona for my birthday. Maybe... it's the weather. I'm waiting for sunnier days. Or maybe for someone to make them sunny.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


I had some busy days.. I always do when my boss is missing. I have to sort of take care everything is under control.
But today was special because I went to this event about newspapers and media and I really think that after my head will stop spinning, I might have some clear ideas for work:).
Socially I am zero. Really. I never go out. I plan on not staying home this weekend, since I am also free. Maybe take a tour to Ikea:). Or start once again the "M needs a home" campaign. I might be in luck these days.
This is how the conference started. Pretty significant, isn't it?

Sunday, October 07, 2007

yeah, right, October again

I guess I must find somewhere people I can hang out with every day. Because autumn makes me feel helpless and lonely, and I really hate going home after a long day of work. Now it's a time to drink tea, talk to friends, in warm comfy places, away from the cold rain outside.
Anyway, October looks like a busy month. Not only that I celebrate my brother on this month (oh, yes, an his girlfriend), but my girl Heta is getting married and there is this Pink Martini concert I look forward to.
Yesterday we had Muse here. I didn't go, everyone was saying that they are great, I was feeling weird I never listened to them before, but I decided not to go. I am not a hypocrite, I cannot go to a concert not knowing what it's all about.
Now Chemical Brothers is somethin' else. I'm going! On the 20th this month.
Gosh.... it would have been so great to have these guys here some years ago!

Saturday, October 06, 2007

my own personal saga

I've been meaning to write about this for some time now, I just didn't have the time, nor the mood. I'm at work now, it's Saturday, it's cloudy, the office is warm like a home now to me and I can't stop thinking that my story here, my life as I have it now, started 10 years ago on the 6th of October. It was the first day of school. I was alone in a huge town (coz it seemed huge at that time). My heart was still at home: my boyfriend was there, my parents, my friends, my pink bedroom. Here I had a cold big house, a tiny room in the attic, a sick aunt, an egoist uncle, a shallow cousin....nobody. I remember I was even crying when I was alone.
Still, I believe my beginning here was fortunate. My luck was meeting people I could rely on, people who helped me tremendously and to whom I am grateful to this day. I learned to love this controversed, sometimes dirty, sometimes glamorous city and I am not sorry I made this choice.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

something, nothing, anything

Crazy week. Very passionate for those who love animals:). Quite tormented for our IT specialists, poor guys... quite a tormented week for myself as well. This week our website celebrated its 1st year anniversary. I was in the news again:))), much better this time, I seemed more relaxed. Then, in the evening, we all went out to celebrate and after 2 beers I was already drunk and fell asleep (my colleagues have pictures to prove this but I don't think I wanna publish them). Dizzy as I was, I left home since the next morning I had to attend a communication summit. Interesting sayings, but... there was one guy who needed technical support at every slide of his pps coz he, the communication specialist, wasn't able to be technically coherent! I mean, c'moooon, Charlie, how stupid of you was that???
Well, but more about this event you'll find here (in Romanian) and here.
I promised I'll return with some other pictures from my beautiful voyage to the wild wild west and here they are:). These ones are wedding-related.

Sunday, September 23, 2007


I had an unforgettable week. Not only that I had like 4 flights in one week, which is a lot since I never took the plane before, but I got to visit 3 European capital cities, I ate things I never tried before (like lobster or moules) and finally came back with a good French accent I lost these past years and maybe with a better understanding of my work. These pictures are from Luxembourg, Paris and Prague (the second). I think I'll always remember this crazy, busy, wonderfully tormenting week. And I realized that going away relaxed me more than seaside or anything else here. It seemed I was gone forever when I came back.
Some other pictures.. on a later post. Now I have to get into Bucharest mode. Processing.... Operation failed. Try again.

Monday, September 10, 2007


What you are about to experience is an exclusive material:). For Romanian speakers, enjoy its fine irony!

Sunday, September 09, 2007

back to English

Quite busy days, these days. After a sales event that ended up in a pub and gave me a full headache the next day, I spent my Saturday looking for clothes. Yes, you heard me, I went to the mall and researched every damn fashion store there, looking for the perfect outfit to honor my friend's wedding next week. I'll be cute:). Hope I won't be freezing though. So next Friday I'll be on my way to this great city I once visited for 3 hours or so. That remembered me I haven't been out of the country for a long long time (I take the trip to Bulgaria out of the question), that I never took the plane to anywhere in this world (yes, it will be my first time in a plane, I know it's 2007...) and, especially, how much I missed traveling. There was a time when going abroad was something natural and understood.
So you'll understand me if the next post won't be very clear (packing and organizing everything might take all of my attention) or if it will be ... next month maybe:)).
But I'll be back, don't worry!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

in Romanian today

Incerc sa scriu in romana la cererea publicului. Da, mai, am si eu asa ceva si nu mai radeti acolo ca va aud! Boooon, hai ca prima fraza mi-a iesit:). Sa vedem restul... Scriu in engleza pentru ca atunci cand mi-am facut eu blog, voiam sa ma citeasca TOATA lumea, nu doar putinii bloggeri de Romania. Intre timp, situatia s-a cam schimbat si acum vorbim de roblogosfera, de bloggerii romani, adunati si tunati, care dezbat probleme mai mult sau mai putin importante ale vietii si omenirii si asa mai departe, de genul "ce e viata? ce e omul? si noi ce bem azi?". Plus ca am observat, de cand cu colegu' Costin, ca oamenii astia parca sunt intr-un sat: "Ai vazut ce-a scris ala? Moaaaaama, da ai vazut commentu' meu? Si ce s-a mai ofticat si mi-a dat ban pe blogul lui? Si dup'aia ce-am scris eu la faza asta? Si cum m-a citat X si Y?". Ete, cam asa decurge treaba:). Evident, exagerez nitel. Sunt si bloggeri misto, oameni seriosi, o placere sa-i citesti.
La o intalnire de bloggeri, maestrul de ceremonii declara blogurile "parte a media". Ok... unele pot fi. Unele sunt deja. Dar majoritatea, nicidecum. Faptul ca bloggerii scriu despre o barfa, publica informatii mai mult sau mai putin adevarate, ca reactioneaza la diverse meschinarii nu-i face "surse" demne de luat in seama. Sau nu inca. Nu la noi. Doar ca incercam sa ne inscriem si noi in curentul asta in care pur si simplu parerea oamenilor, exprimata, articulata in blog, poate fi mai puternica decat un articol dintr-un ziar sau decat un reportaj tv. In lumea de azi, da, e posibil. Si la noi sunt tentative, insa nu au ajuns inca atat de puternice.
Pana una-alta, eu prefer sa scriu in engleza. Chiar ziceam azi: cum sa scriu, frate, in romana? Taman acu, dupa atata timp? Asta ar insemna un blog nou, mare bataie de cap:P. Si, recunosc, probabil ca nu m-as putea abtine sa nu scriu chestii la care lumea ar reactiona. Si, da Costin carpatin:P, ai dreptate, succesul ma sperie, dear. Prefer sa scriu un blog putin comentat, dar al meu, personal, pe care doar cineva care chiar tine musai sa ma cunoasca, are rabdare sa-l desluseasca. Sau pe care il citesc doar prietenii mei. Da, aia de ziceam mai ieri-alaltaieri ca nu ma suna:)). Unii dintre ei o fac totusi, asa ca nu ma mai plang.
E, voi, astia de cerurati post in romana, ya happy now?

PS: ca sa raman in ton cu postul, iaca o melodie care ma nostalgizeaza la maxim. Cred ca radacinile proletare ale educatiei mele isi spun cuvantul. Dar n-am decat audioooo!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

passion+work - does this still exist?

I couldn't help feeling, all day long, that today was someone's birthday... someone I know... I'm still thinking about it..
Do you think it's possible that "passion" and "work" stay together? In the world of today? I started wondering what passion is these days. And I questioned myself for the meaning of passion within me: am I passionate about something? Anything? Still processing that one, so far I've got nothing. I used to love horoscopes and Tarot and that kinda stuff.... I've lost even that.
Am I passionate about my work? I don't know. I am a little bit obsessed with it, I am dedicated, but I dunno if I am passionate. Is anyone passionate about their work these days? I mean.... really be into it, really love it? The kind that wakes up in the middle of the night because of one brilliant idea, or that forgets everything because his/her work is like a trip to another universe.. does this still exist?

Friday, August 31, 2007


Although I think I am supposed to be a little bit more technical than I am right now, due to the nature of my job, unfortunately it seems I am not as good as I thought. Because I lost like an hour trying to take a picture of myself (that is me on the left) and upload it here, so that I can put the URL to my profile. Initially I was upset because at a profile search here, my blog had no photo! After that I tried to find out how do I do it. And so... I lost a good hour:). I guess I had nothing better to do anyway.
This morning I left Mika closed in the kitchen. Poor thing, when I arrived she was "screaming" her lungs out, I guess it was terrible for her to spend almost 11 hours in one room, with no food or water.
And that happened only because of that damn "the apprentice" thing. I watch it and then I watch "Sex and the city" and then I go to bed tired and wake up dizzy and so I lock the cat in the kitchen. This TV is ruining my life!

LATER EDIT: it was easier than I thought! and I did it! Damn, I'm smaart:))).

Thursday, August 30, 2007

living on my own

I guess being alone makes me a little bit nostalgic. In fact, I hardly think about myself right now. I don't know what's goin' on with my soul these days. I believe it's not in a very good mood...
I am a little bit afraid of being alone. I have always been surrounded by people. I have always lived with somebody. I hate the empty house and I'm sure autumn will make it worse. But I think it was about time I face this in my life, to deal with it and get used to it. Because in the end, we get used to everything, good or bad. And so I must get used to having friends who never call, weird neighbors and an unhappy cat. In a month or two, I could even get used to the empty house.
But I'm not sure I could get used to the lack of words. I need words to stir my imagination, to be in a good mood, to shine, to blossom, to sleep well. Crazy as it sounds, I need somebody to tell me I look good in order for me to believe it. I need to be told I am loved to be well.

Saturday, August 25, 2007


Around here today:). Did my nails professionally for the first time in my almost 29 years. It looks ok, but I ruined one nail trying to cut the bread. Nevertheless, I'm a lady:). I also had my hair done, I look like a dumb kid:), but this is alright, I guess my moral needed a change of look. And I do everything for my moral, I hate it when it's down.
This is my first weekend off alone. I do nothing. I have plenty to do, the house is a mess, the cat is bored and lonely, the pile of books to read is waiting, and the pile of movies to watch as well, but I can't seem to want anything. I read blogs, google people and smoke.
Somehow I feel English is limiting me. I wish I could write in Romanian, although I'm afraid it could be a disaster. This feeling lasts since high school when I wrote a piece on one of Oriana Fallaci's books, "If the Sun dies". Both my parents decided it was unpublishable. Nobody since then encouraged me to write, although I liked it, I couldn't live without it. C has a great talent, too bad he is not using it. I made me even more frustrated I couldn't write. And now..I guess it's too late, I'm too damn busy to concentrate on anything. Even on ME.
I'll go back to doing nothing now. Maybe I'll end up doing something.

Saturday, August 18, 2007


As long as we've been all waited for it, it finally happened. Yes. It did. The star of our department finally appeared on TV saying stuff about Second Life. Labeled "IT Specialist". Well, he is, as a matter of fact, and his sayings were deep:)). This is why it is up there, listed in the top stories of our site, among accidents, hijacked planes and luxurious holidays of our fellow Romanians. Eh, that was the least I could do, SINCE I AM THE EDITOR AND THE CONTENT MANAGER OF THAT SITE!!! All in one.
No wonder I look crazy sometimes. Besides having no life at all.
Indeed, I feel I lost the meaning of everything these days. I try to cover it, to stay strong, but sometimes it shows. I'll get used to it, I suppose.
I'm going to bed now. I'm working tomorrow. (yes, tomorrow IS Sunday)

Thursday, August 16, 2007

crazy days

It's been like crazy around here these days. I left my office no later than 10 in the evening and I'll work during the weekend. I had one day off, today. Th worst part of it all is my feelings for what I do. I feel I don't have any..landmarks anymore, I don't know if what I'm doing is right or wrong and nobody is telling me that. I feel people are kinda discontented by what I do and I never receive a hint that could motivate my evolution. I hate it. I hate it because I feel I'm blind. I'll try to structure it as much as I can and develop a system of my own that could comply with work...but this would be damn difficult since I don't know anything...about anything anymore.

But today was nice because I met my friend Corina from Luxembourg, she'll get married there in September and I'm going! We established the last details before we go there and I'm looking forward to go on this trip. And yes, eat "mule":)).

Sunday, August 12, 2007

vem vet

J'aime le passe. C'est plus rassurant que le present et bien plus sur que l'avenir.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Salistea, formerly known as Cioara

I couldn't believe my eyes, but there it is! I am from here! I mean, my father comes from this village and somebody having the same last name as I do discovered these historically interesting pieces.
No matter what, I am really proud that the village where I spent ALL of my summer holidays is in Wiki. Really proud!

Thursday, August 09, 2007


I've just found out, via Andressa, that Pink Martini are coming to Bucharest! Cannot believe it! Me Happy. And if Thievery Corporation would come in a duet with Gotan Project (I missed them because of Depeche Mode, remember?), I think I won't need anything for my birthday this year:)).

I wish

all I ever wanted when I was a kid was to become a singer. Then, a journalist. Then my parents told me I'm no good for a journalist, so why don't I study foreign languages, at least I have a proper job. So I did.
But singing persists. Imagine this, all I want is to a karaoke bar:))). I mean, really, I picture myself sometimes singing a song I love at karaoke. It fascinates me more than anything else, how some people can sing so perfect, so complex... I guess I never did it because I was afraid of the attention granted to me when I would sing. I am afraid not to look ridiculous, afraid people could make fun of me. So maybe I'll do it in a far away country, drunk, careless of what anybody would say about me or my voice.
Or maybe this persisted because someone told me I have a good voice. Not for singing, for radio, but well...that was the best compliment my voice ever got from somebody not emotionally involved with me. Dunno if he meant it though:).
This is what I'd just loooooove to sing.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

the first day of the rest of my life

I couldn't have pictured this day at all. It was pouring outside, already an autumn atmosphere I hate, but I was ok. I couldn't focus that much, I wasn't really there, but I was ok. No tears.
He arrived safely home, I received an email in the morning. All day long, I read that email, almost memorized it, I read every word and missed him. I just miss him, that's all. And now it's not the worst part of it all, I guess in a month I'll really feel he's missing.
Now, I have to re-picture my days and I already have some plans, but they hardly include going out like we used to. Maybe I'll be wrong, but I fill my days with work. That's about it. But it was about time, isn't it?

Friday, August 03, 2007


There are only three days left. How can I concentrate everything I feel in 3 days? How can I feel anything while packing and managing stuff? How can I imagine my life from now on?

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


I'm back. Not really happy that I am back. I'd just begun to get used to having sand in my hair, to the hot sun of the noon, to the loisir mood of that place. I am on vacation after all, I shouldn't be here, in this dirty town.
I am here because I had to make a choice. I could have been selfish and stay, or caring and come. So I came. But ... me not really happy.

Friday, July 27, 2007

I'm leaving

Tomorrow I'll be at the seaside. For very few days, indeed, but those will be MY days of rest. Do not look for me. Do not call me or ask about me. I'll be just fine, trust me, better than today or any of the days of this shitty week that's about to end.
I had a lot of pressure and trouble, since I wanted to make everything right and I failed. I tried to offer my best, yet people were unsatisfied. They hadn't even told me so, they told someone else, and this is how I know it.
I tried to offer the perfect birthday at the office and I feel I failed. Nobody said anything bad about it, but I just felt it wasn't what I had in mind.
Oh, well, hopefully tomorrow these will be things I couldn't care less. I want my rest and I deserve it.
I am sure that many of you have heard this song. If you, younger guys, haven't, well, it's no loss, it's just a song that marked an entire generation at the beginning of the '90s

Thursday, July 26, 2007

one day

You'd say (for those who undersand Romanian, of course) that this song is not appropriate at all. But this is my real mood. Cannot name it, put my finger on it, but in the middle of the summer, on my last day of work before a short and, hopefully, intense holiday, I shouldn't be melancholic or something. Well, I am.
I hope I will be ok after this time off work. Hope to get some rest and find my inner equilibrium.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

in wiki we trust:P

Wikipedia says I was born on the same day as the following personalities (among others): Ignatius of Loyola, Ava Gardner, Mary Higgins Clark, Tarja Halonen, Ricky Martin. What do a Jesuit, an actress, a poet, the president of a nordish country, a Latin singer and me have in common? I really believe we all suffer from not having a proper birthday. On my birthday people think about Christmas and Santa, not me. I believe these guys also had/have the same problem. Could anyone ask them if I am right? I don't have their phone-numbers....yet:)).

Saturday, July 21, 2007


I really like Mika. Not only that his name is the one of my cat, but I also like his music. And I play this song every time I face a bit of a crisis. Like today for instance when I started crying while watching photos of my cousin and her new-born baby. Now I know all these theories about the biological clock of women, how we really want kinds and when we feel we should we get frustrated if we don't... But I don't really think it is my case now. Or I didn't think it until today. And then I faced a new dillema: is my age starting to show it's thorns? Do I start feeling like 29?
I don't have an answer and I really have to go clean up the mess in this house..but this will bother me for some time now.

Friday, July 20, 2007

vinegar and salt

you tell me why I love this song so much

Thursday, July 19, 2007


yes, it's true, I've been there. I saw them. I really did. They're old, funny and really know how to entertain. I loved Mick saying things in Romanian, making fun of Lisa, I loved Keith's first song, I loved Ronnie's generosity with the public. I loved it. I couldn't regret I was there. But nothing compares to last year. It's possible my feelings were different, it's possible I was less affected by RS music. Still I liked it though.

For the rest, heat is killing me bit by bit. They say it's hotter here than in Sahara Desert and I believe it, +40 degrees outside is murder. The AC in our office is almost dead, keeps us only from fainting, but we're all heavy sweating there. And we have another 8 days to face it. Heat is my nightmare now.

As for the house, I decided to take it slow since my uncle said I can stay here for as long as I want. So I'll look for the best offer I can afford. That's about it. Hope it will be soon though.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

and so it goes

It hit me this morning while walking to work: I'll soon be 29 and settling down is not anywhere near my plans, short term or long term, not even in their vicinity. My mother and my old relatives ask me all the time "why don't you get married?". Well, for starters, nobody asked me. Never. It's not that I really want it, but it never happened. Last I've heard, I cannot get married alone. It takes two to tango.

Or maybe I'm just a little bit depressed.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

too much sun, no energy

As much as I would like a home, I cannot find the energy to look for one. But this is old news already:). I tried to move but I can't. It's too damn hot around here. I have too much to do at work sometimes, that I forgot I have issues. MY issues. Nevermind, nobody is kicking me out of this place anyway.
As you all know (I dunno why I said "all" since I believe there are very few people reading me these days, I know, I grew up, I'm just borring), I just love summer, but the heat prevents me from moving around this city. Too much dust, too many cars, the sideways are burning in the middle of the day. Plus, I hate banks. Really do. In fact I hate numbers. At school I got only low degrees in mathematics. Unfortunately, one way or the other, I mean new building or old building, I'll have to deal with banks at some point in my existence. Oh well, what can I do....not much.
We're all preparing for the Rolling Stones concert here in Bucharest. I'm not that enthousiastic as last year when I saw Depeche Mode live on stage, but well, it's something I cannot miss. And I'm sure my dad would have loved to see them.
I recently saw one of Oprah's shows where the main cast of Seinfeld was invited. Seinfeld himself, Julia, Jason, Michael, they were all there, and I enjoyed every minute of it. I remembered why I had such a passion for this show in the first place. And why I chose my master degree paper subject to be the language of Seinfeld:). But this never happened anyway. It was just a dream...
I was asked one evening what my dream is. I simply couldn't answer. At last I said I dreamed to have my own place. But this didn't come out from the beginning. I guess I believed people expected me to be more profound or original than this.

Thursday, July 05, 2007


I'm tired. It's chronic fatigue already. I had no vacation last year and this year my vacation will be too short to have a proper rest. I started the "M needs a home" campaign but so far I haven't had any success. I'm kinda patient though, but outta time for looking properly. I realized that every time I have to do something for myself, no pressure attached, I have the tendency to postpone things, to take it too easy maybe, I am not motivated enough I guess. How can I fight myself?
Cruel headache right now. Not the best month for me, apparently.

Friday, June 22, 2007

how to...

You know there are lots of books about "how to": how to quit smoking, how to write a wonderful book, how to have a great body shape, how to fuck your brains out.... I think I'll be needing a book about how-to-live-my-life-alone-for-one-year. I guess it's the first time it happens for such a long time. I'm glad for him, I'm just happy he gets to study there, but I can't stop wondering "what about me?". I cannot figure my life right now. My only hope, as I see it, is to jump into a whirlpool of issues such as my house, my job, my pets, my..self. We'll see...

Wednesday, June 06, 2007


It's pretty difficult for me now to describe last week. I had such busy, emotional, physically challenging days that I can hardly put them into words. The strongest emotion is certainly my going back HOME. heard me....HOME. The appartment we used to live in was in front of the railway station. When I arrived and saw MY window, MY balcony....I couldn't help crying. I didn't care people were staring, I went to my aunt's in tears, wondering why am I here and not going home.
For the rest...I was surprised to notice how much I liked the town, how deep inside my mind are imprinted its alleys, its streets, the schools, my parents' work places... And especially how I felt that this was my home. I own a little house at the country side where I grew up, I might buy myself a little home in Bucharest, but I guess nothing will compare to that feeling of HOME I experienced on Friday.
My highschool colleagues are almost the same:). I loved seeing them, I loooooved going back to school.

I loved being back home. Except that I can't tell when I'll be going there again.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


yesterday, while ironing my skirt, it struck me: my parents hardly loved one another. I can't remember seeing them kiss or hug or anything that would betray love. My dad would make fun of my mom and she would answer back to him and that was that. And now I think this might have affected me one bit... coz when it comes to family, I picture it based on a "life-contract" more than based on love. Although I couldn't imagine not loving my husband (if I had one).

And I really can't wait next week when I finally go home. I fear going to Deva because I haven't been there since April 2003. I cannot remember the house with no furniture, with boxes all over. To me this house is still there. I'm afraid I might be tempted to go.... home. But that "home" no longer exists.

I'll see my highschool mates though. We have our ten-years-since-finishing-highschool party. And in September I''d have been here for ten years already... dunno if it's good or bad.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

It's hot. It's only like the mid of May and we're all suffering from heat, as if it were July. But I'm glad, better than freeze anyway.
As last year I didn't have any vacation, this year I was planning a good rest by the sea. But it seems my plans won't work. First I have to see if I can finally buy myself a home and then, only after seeing this one come true, I might consider rest. However, this buying-a-home plan is energizing :).

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

I've been away for a few days and, because of the sad reason of my travel, I didn't watch tv at all. When I woke up this morning to go to work I had the strange feeling that I forgot everything about my work. Of course, once I entered the office and turned on my PC, it all came back to me. It was like I was waking up from a short amnesia and start recognizing things.
Despite the sadness and the tragedy around me, I discovered a nice little town, very charming and very close to me. I liked it.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

I'll try to make it simple and clear: I really thought this blog died. But on Friday evening someone said I could revive it somehow. He said I could write in Romanian, so I didn't. He said I could write about work...which I won't, not right now. Because when I started this blog, the concept was "public diary" or smth. Right now, blogs aren't just that. I mean...nobody just writes about feelings. To have a good blog, one must be interactive. To be interactive, one must create/talk about subjects that interest people. My personal experiences (and also MY routine, MY boredom) were not interactive. I was asserting them and that's all.
Well...I can't say I'll change something. And I must confess, although probably somebody would react to this, that I stopped writing not only because I didn't feel like it, but because I was afraid of others' reactions. I didn't want to write about breaking up, finding someone new, other experiences..because I know someone would read and suffer. And I hate it when people suffer because of me. And I seem to make them suffer on a regular basis.
BUT...nevertheless I just said to myself "Fuck all that" and just write....stupid or not, don't read me if u don't like it...
AND I really believe that by breaking up with me, guys change, evolve and even acquire features they never had when in relationship with me.
SO... my own, personal cenzorship..I'll try to let it go a bit.