Sunday, November 11, 2007

love story

I admit I am sometimes a sucker for good romance movies. I don't say it very often, maybe because I really don't wanna sound too girlish or anything. But there are nights, like this one, when I come out and say it. Or maybe it's just my constant need for affection that allows me to be impressed by a good love story. Hate it when it's sad though. But they say the sad ones are better.
I must have inherited this taste for good love stories from my grandma. You might not believe me, but she was the only 70 years old woman from that village with a subscription to the local library. And constantly asking the librarian for love novels. She would devour book after book especially during winter nights. And she had a special concern on my emotional future. Coz we were born under the same sign, therefore she feared we might have the same destiny. Although it might not look like that, there are some weird similarities in our taste for men. I guess the "bad boy" cliche fits, or maybe the "hard-to-get" type.
Oh well, I blame it on the sleeping satellite.. Night night!

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