Monday, January 09, 2006


I noticed I repeat myself from time to time. There are subjects in this blog that appear over and over and you people must be saying "oh, come on girl, you've said that once before, what a hell, you're not that old!" and you couldn't be more right about that. I agree. I read myself and try to be objective and even I said that to myself. But...the explanation is that every time I feel something, it has a different nuance, a different color, and so it's almost new to me and ready to be shared. And this is why you may encouter, if you ever take the time to read this, several subjects that appear, one way or another in my writings. They just empahsize a mood sometimes, or other times they just serve me pretextes for writing something.
But the important thing is that I write, right? Thought so too:)...
Now, for the latest news update: Mika is ok, she returned to her old habits of jumping and scratching the chairs and stuff and this is very good. My turtles get bigger every day, at least the old one, she's huuuuuuge (I mean for a cute pet). My mother's dog is fine, she's not really into taking long walks but she's coming around. My brother returned to Florence and moved to a warmer house. My mother returned to her old habits of torturing me and assigning me duties when I really don't feel like it. And I hope my performances at work are getting a liiiittle bt better because I really can't say I'm doing perfectly fine. Maybe in a month or so.. and that's about it.
Ah, I saw a documentary tonight, really impressive to me, but really it's difficult to talk about it on the blog, first because it's still fresh in my mind and it needs a time to settle somewhere in my head, and second because it regards some serious issues I am not ready to talk about. But the point of mentioning it here was that it took me into one of that long lasting pensive moods.
So, night night you people!

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