Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Birthday reminder, Mika's operation

Well, tomorrow is a big day for my cat, Mika, I'll take her to the doctor's to be sterilized (I hope this is the right word). I've been thinking about this a lot, I mean I am sorry for her that she has to go through something like this, but sincerely, it was the best solution for both of us, since I don't plan on letting her have kittens and since this "heat" period is pretty awful.. It seemd that she was in pain and she really didn't know what happened to her. I just hope she'll be ok.
As for the life in Romania, Greg, it's difficult for me to talk about it, because I am inside it... all I can say is that it's really different from life in the USA, from what I've heard. But after all everything is relative, I'm sure, so maybe you'll be able to tell the differences from my writing, which is damn difficult to do, since all you hear is me, me, me. My life, my problems, my thoughts.
I'm glad I have a few days off from work, just about enough to rest and put my desordered life in order, to catch up with my reading and with people I haven't had time to see before.
I was sad that two of my best friends forgot about my birthday...and three days passed since my birthday. I figure that your friend's birthday is not something to be forgotten, or if it does happen, there's always the next day, the day after that...Well, no sign of them yet, so I dunno how to react right now. Perhaps it'll all solve out sooner or later, it's just that I didn't expected it, not from them, that's all.

1 comment:

Gregg said...

Happy belated birthday. -gregg